May 20, 2020 | Deb Larsen | 807 views
2021 OHF U11 Championships
With the implementation of the U11 Player Pathway for the 2020/2021 season, the Ontario
Hockey Federation has decided to discontinue the OHF U11 Championships as holding a
championship at this age category contradicts the philosophy of the pathway.
Aligning with the U11 Player Pathway, eliminating an OHF U11 Championship at this age
category allows for equal development opportunity for all U11 players within the OHF. All U11
players will play an extended season and compete on a regional basis to keep more teams active,
for longer.
With the elimination of the OHF U11 Championships, the OHF will work with Member Partners and Minor Hockey Associations to ensure league play is the focus of the hockey season for this age group, promoting the operation of year end regional tournaments as a way for U11 teams to be a part of an event that encourages development and progression within age appropriate programming.
For more information regarding the elimination of the OHF U11 Championship, please contact the OHF.