Dec 17, 2021 | Deb Larsen | 11230 views
Updated Capacity Limits
In response to rising COVID-19 case numbers in the province, the Government of Ontario announced on Dec. 17, 2021 that it is introducing new public safety measures. Part of those new measures include a 50 percent capacity limit to indoor sports and recreational fitness venues with a capacity of 1,000 or more patrons beginning on Dec. 18, 2021.
The government has announced the new capacity limits are only applicable to spectators - the limits on participants and facility staff remain unchanged.
Please respect facility staff as they navigate these changes and continue to follow any rules in place such as masking or physical distancing. We are following the direction of public health and municipalities regarding any additional restrictions and or protocols within rinks.
The Ontario Minor Hockey Association continues to work with the Ontario Hockey Federation and the Government of Ontario, through the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture for any further direction.
We will continue to communicate updates with our Associations and participants as they become available. We encourage everyone to keep checking the OMHA website, social media channels and your local Association websites.