City of Markham Reopens Recreation Facilities, News, U13, 2021-2022, HL (Markham Waxers)

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Organization | Jan 26, 2022 | Deb Larsen | 14547 views
City of Markham Reopens Recreation Facilities
The City of Markham is re-opening its arenas on January 31.

Waxers Rep Hockey will resume on January 31.

Waxers House League hockey will resume operations beginning with U21 games on Friday, February 4, and followed by all other divisions on Saturday, February 5.

The City has imposed strict restrictions for returning. Please follow them exactly to prevent any more stringent measures from being implemented. The full text of the City's communication is included below, but please make special note of the following new requirements.

  • New! - All participants are to enter the arena no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the start of their scheduled practice or game. 
  • New! – All participants must leave the facility within 15 minutes of the end of their practice or game. 
  • New! – Ontario Ministry of Health COVID-19 enhanced Vaccine certification (QR code) is  required as proof of full vaccination.
  • New! - Dressing rooms will be available with the following limitations.
    • All doors must remain open to promote ventilation.
    • Players must arrive dressed in all gear except skates, gloves, and helmets. Dressing rooms are only available to put on those items—nothing more.
    • Only remain in the dressing room long enough to put on your skates, helmet, and gloves. Do not linger. Safe distancing must be maintained at all times which means that a limited number of people will be allowed in the dressing room at any time. Please enter, put on your gear, and exit as soon as possible to give your teammates a chance to do the same. The City will not be providing extra dressing rooms or chairs in corridors. 
    • Masks are required at all times and must be worn fully covering the nose and mouth.
  • New! - Spectator access will be permitted – Spectator capacities are identified per rink as listed in the chart below.  The City of Markham encourages all families attending the facility to visit us at a 1:1 ratio (participant: parent/guardian).  Please limit the number of spectators to only those necessary.
  • New! - Masks are not required, but are highly recommended to be kept on during on ice activities.


What to Expect For Your Rental 


These measures will be implemented at all arena facilities starting January 31st, 2022.

Facility Arrival and Screening

  • New! All participants are to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to their on ice rental.

  • New!  All participants must leave the facility within 15 minutes of their ice rental end time.

  • In order to facilitate entrance to the facilities, some entrances and exits within the buildings may be closed. Signage will be placed around the building directing participants and spectators where to go.

  • When you enter an indoor City of Markham recreation sport facility, coaches, players, spectators and parents must show:

    • Proof of vaccination (for applicable age groups and users): Please review our online resource - COVID – 19 Vaccination Requirements for Recreation Facilities

    • New! Ontario Ministry of Health COVID-19 enhanced Vaccine certification (QR code) required.

    • Children who turn 12 years old in 2022 have a grace period of 12 weeks (three months) from their birthday to allow a reasonable opportunity for them to be fully vaccinated. During this grace period, children must continue to provide identification, but will not need to show proof of vaccination at indoor sports and recreation facilities.

    • Government issued ID required.

    • Proof of completion of COVID-19 self-assessment on your mobile device or printed copy

General Information

  • Masks are required at all times while walking through the facility or spectating sport. This includes walking to and from the ice surface and the dressing rooms.

  • Keep a safe distance of 2 meters or 6 feet from others at all times.

  • Hand sanitization is encouraged upon entry.

  • Each group must review and follow the updated Return to Play guidelines from the appropriate governing National or Provincial Sport Organization.

  • Follow the City’s Code of Conduct and remain respectful to the facility, users, and staff at all times.

  • No food or Drink is permitted indoors except for the sole purpose of hydration on the field of play, i.e., participant water bottles.

Available for Usage

Dressing rooms will be available with the following limitations.

  • All doors must remain open to promote ventilation.

  • Players must arrive dressed in all gear except skates, gloves, and helmets. Dressing rooms are only available to put on those items—nothing more.

  • Masks are required at all times and must be worn fully covering the nose and mouth.

  • New! - Spectator access will be permitted – Spectator capacities are identified per rink as listed in the chart below.  The City of Markham encourages all families attending the facility to visit us at a 1:1 ratio (participant: parent/guardian). Please limit the number of spectators to only those necessary.

  • Washrooms will be available for participants and spectators ONLY.

  • Showers will not be available.

Important Information

  • No more than 85 participants are allowed on the ice including participants, coaches, referees, etc.

  • No food or drink allowed inside the facility. Athletes may bring water bottles.

  • All game play or scrimmages may operate in accordance with the provincial guidelines in addition to Return to Play guidelines from the appropriate sports governing National or Provincial Sport Organization.

  • New! - Masks are not required, but are highly recommended to be kept on during on ice activities.

  • Masks must be worn to and from the change rooms, and any time outside of the field of play.

  • Rental groups must manage change room social distances 2 meters and masks are required. Additional change rooms will not be available.

  • Pre-game warm up is to be completed outside of the building until further direction from the Ontario Hockey Federation can be provided. The use of hallways, walkways, spectator stands, or any other indoor area is prohibited.

  • Participants and spectators must leave the premises within 15 minutes after the conclusion of their activity.

  • Any teams found to be letting others in through back doors without going through the screening process will have their rental times revoked.

Additional Recommendations

  • Dress in as much equipment as possible to limit dressing room usage.  Dressing Rooms doors will remain propped open.  Please use dressing rooms only to put on final pieces of equipment.

  • Do not leave valuables unattended in the facility.

  • Spitting is strictly prohibited.

  • Bring a full water bottle, labeled with your name. (City fountains are not available). Do not share water bottles.

  • Do not share equipment.

The City continues to monitor and follow advice from Public Health officials at the federal, provincial and regional levels. We are taking a responsible and measured approach to reopening, which is guided by the Government of Ontario’s Framework for Reopening the Province and the City of Markham’s Response, Recovery & Reinvention Plan. The health and safety of our visitors, staff, and the community remains our number one priority.

Rink Schedules and Capacities


Entry Time

Flood Time

Rental Start Time

Rental End Time

On Ice Capacity

Spectator Capacity

Angus Glen East

15 minutes prior to rental start time

5 minutes after the hour

15 minutes after the hour

5 minutes
after the hour

Up to 85 people

Up to 100 people

Angus Glen West

15 minutes prior to rental start time

10 minutes before the hour

Top of the hour

50 minutes after the hour

Up to 85 people

Up to 100 people

Mt. Joy

15 minutes prior to rental start time

Top of the hour

10 minutes after the hour

Top of
the hour

Up to 85 people

Up to 100 people

Markham Village

15 minutes prior to rental start time

Top of the hour

10 minutes after the hour

Top of
the hour

Up to 85 people

Up to 100 people


15 minutes prior to rental start time

Top of the hour

10 minutes after the hour

Top of
the hour

Up to 85 people

Up to 100 people


15 minutes prior to rental start time

Top of the hour

10 minutes after the hour

Top of
the hour

Up to 85 people

Up to 15 people

Thornhill West

15 minutes prior to rental start time

5 minutes after the hour

15 minutes after the hour

5 minutes
after the hour

Up to 85 people

Up to 100 people


15 minutes prior to rental start time

10 minutes before the hour

Top of the hour

50 minutes after the hour

Up to 85 people

Up to 100 people


15 minutes prior to rental start time

Top of the hour

10 minutes after the hour

Top of
the hour

Up to 85 people

Up to 100 people


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