Registration is now open for the U7, U8, U9 Blended Development Clinic. This clinic will run on Tuesdays at Markham Centennial Arena from 5:00pm-6:00pm. The clinic begins on Tuesday October 8th and will run until the last weekend in March 2024. The cost of the clinic is $450.00.
Register now by clicking
here. For more information, please reach out to
Ben Carr.

2024-2025 U7/U8/U9 Blended Skate Clinic ScheduleThese Development skates will be lead by our Hockey Development team. They will work on skating, passing and all things related to the game. Hockey Canada program will be followed. These skates are at an additional cost on top of the regular practice ice your child receives on the weekend. This is not mandatory and is suggested only if you think your child will get more out of the game with the additional development.
Register Now - Click Here to Register.