How to become a House League Coach (Markham Waxers)

PrintHow to become a House League Coach


It is an OMHA requirement that each team have certified bench staff consisting of a head coach, assistant coach(es), and at least one HTCP certified trainer.

The goals of the coach certification programs are to:

  • Provide coaches with the tools to work effectively with young players
  • Provide coaches the training to successfully implement the HC curriculum
  • Introduce coaches to the concepts of fair play and cooperation within the hockey environment

The certification training focuses on:

  • Facilitating parent meetings
  • Delivering effective practices
  • Designing a safety program
  • Teaching individual technical skills
  • Preparing for game day

The Hockey Trainer Certification Program (HTCP) is a risk management and safety education program for the volunteer hockey trainer. The ultimate goal of the program is to have all hockey trainers implement effective risk management on their own teams, where safety is the first priority at all times, both on and off the ice.

Certification is also important for the Waxers to meet its insurance requirements.

New Volunteers

If you do not have an HCR profile, please complete our Volunteer - HCR Profile Request form.

How to check the status of your certifications?

Access your Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) profile using HCR 3.0. Once you create an account you can view your HCR profile, view your hockey history, check the status of your certifications, and sign up for clinics.

Instructions on creating an HCR 3.0 account.

House League Certification Requirements by Division

U7, U8, U9 U10-U21
Head Coach
Coach 1¹ Coach 2²
Respect in Sport (RIS) Respect in Sport (RIS)
Gender Identity and Expression Course Gender Identity and Expression Course
Volunteer Registration Volunteer Registration

Assistant Coach
Respect in Sport (RIS) Respect in Sport (RIS)
Gender Identity and Expression Course Gender Identity and Expression Course
Volunteer Registration Volunteer Registration

¹ formerly CHIP / Introduction to Coaching
² formerly Coach Stream

Certification for assistant coaches for House League does not require a coach certification, but an assistant coach requires the same certification as the head coach for participation with teams from outside its house league (i.e., exhibition or tournament play). In addition, if the head coach were not available to start a house league game, an appropriately certified coach would be required to act as the head coach.

The Waxers highly recommend that assistant coaches obtain a coach certification. The Waxers reimburse for the cost of the clinic.

OMHA Certification Clinics

A major part of OMHA service is the implementation of certification programs for all team staff. The OMHA delivers these programs to its membership through clinics province-wide each year.

Read more about OMHA clinics.

View a listing of current clinics and register for clinics online.


Online Certification Courses

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders

The OMHA has entered into a partnership with Respect Group Inc. in piloting the offering of Speak Out! certification as an online e-learning option to our Members. Access instructions to assist with accessing and advancing through Respect in Sport via the OMHA website.

Respect in Sport Activity Leader Program Course Log-In

Understanding Discrimination based on Gender Identity and Gender Expression

The Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) is pleased to announce the launch of a new training module for team officials, to support trans-inclusive hockey in Ontario, Understanding Discrimination based on Gender Identity and Gender Expression Training.

There are two modules which will educate team officials on this important topic. Once completed, notification will be posted to the team officials’ member profile on the HCR.

All coaches, trainers, and on-ice volunteers must complete the Gender Identity course to be rostered.

Gender Expression course registration

Certification Obtained Outside the OMHA

If you have obtained a coach or trainer certification with an association outside of the OMHA, please complete the Application for Conversion/Upgrade of Certification form and forward it to the OMHA so that your certifications can be added to your Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) system record.

Certification Reimbursement

MMHA provides 100% refund of certification course fees for volunteers in our house league program. Expenses such as lunch, parking, or mileage are not refunded. Certification courses must be completed by November 1.

Reimbursement is processed when all certifications required to roster you to your team position have been completed and you have submitted a clear PVSC. Refund cheques will be mailed to the address provided on the refund form by January 30 to rostered team officials in good standing with the MMHA.

MMHA reimburses clinic fees that provide the minimum qualifications to be a certified volunteer in the house league program.

  • Respect in Sport: All rostered house league volunteers 
  • Coach 1: U7, U8, and U9 coaches (head and assistant coaches)
  • Coach 2: U10 - U21 coaches (head and assistant coaches)
  • Trainer Certification Level 1: Trainers and Conveners

You are welcome to take a higher level courses (Level 2 Trainer Certification, Coach Development, etc.), however, we will provide a refund based on the cost of a certification clinic at the minimum certification required.

If you choose to take several Continuing Education Courses to accumulate points as opposed to one recertification course, once you accumulate sufficient points to qualify for recertification, please submit your request for refund with proof that you have been recertified. You will be refunded the standard rate for the cost of a recertification course if the combined cost of the Continuing Education Courses exceeds this amount.

Waxers Certification Reimbursement form

Police Vulnerable Sector Check

The OHF requires a clear Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC) be filed when someone volunteers for the first time and every season thereafter. Find out how to apply.