Oct 05, 2015 | Julie Lum | 1042 views
Game tonight Vs. Vaughan Rangers
Still testing - we hope you receive this game reminder for the game tonight @ Woodbridge Arena, 5020 Hwy. 7.
Please remember to arrive by 8:15, 45 minutes before our 9PM game time.
Bring both jerseys to the arena.
Directions From Arena maps:
From Hwy-400: Hwy-400 to Hwy-7 exit 29. West on Hwy-7 to Islington Ave. Woodbridge Memorial Arena is on the northwest corner of Islington and Hwy-7
From Hwy-407: Hwy-407 to Pine Valley Dr. exit 63. North on Pine Valley to Hwy-7. West (left) on Hwy-7 to Islington Ave. Woodbridge Memorial Arena is on the northwest corner of Islington and Hwy-7.
or use this link: http://www.arenamaps.com/arenas/1631.htm
See you soon!