Clinic Offerings (Markham Waxers)

PrintClinic Offerings

The MMHA Hockey Development Program runs Player Development Clinics to provide our players an opportunity for additional skill instruction by professional instructors.

Clinic Offerings



10 Sessions

House League Development Clinic - Fall/Winter - Ages 6+

The House League Development Clinic is a 10 week instructional program designed for players that are both new to the game, or are still looking to improve their core hockey skills. 

This clinic will focus on the basic skills (Skating, Passing, Shooting and Puck Control). 

Players attending this clinic will be divided into small groups based on age and skill. 

Please note that this clinic will not be offered during the upcoming 2017/2018 season. 



10 Sessions

Shooting & Scoring Clinic - Fall/Winter - Ages 6+

The Shooting & Scoring Development Clinic is a 10 week instructional program designed for the seasoned player who is looking to improve their offensive skill set. 

This clinic will combine basic skills with an emphasis on offensive techniques. Different types of shooting, one-timers, net drives, deflections and maneuvering in tight areas are a few of the areas that this clinic will focus on. 

This clinic is NOT recommended for players who are new to the game of hockey. Players attending this clinic will be divided into small groups based on age and skill. 



10 Sessions

Defenceman Specialty Clinic - Fall/Winter - Ages 6+

The Defenceman Speciality Development Clinic is a 10 week instructional program designed for the seasoned defenceman who is looking to improve their defensive skill set.

This clinic will combine basic skills with an emphasis on defensive positioning and techniques required by a defenceman. Skating, pivoting, puck control, puck movement, passing, shooting and gap control are a few of the areas that this clinic will focus on. 

This clinic is NOT recommended for players who are new to the game of hockey. Players attending this clinic will be divided into small groups based on age and skill. 



16 Sessions

Goalie Clinic - Fall/Winter (Semi-Private)/Pre-Tryout - Ages 6+

The Goalie Development Clinic is an instructional program designed by experienced goalies and focused on teaching and developing both the physical skills and techniques, as well as a better understanding of the position, to improve on-ice performance.

Using a station-based model for on-ice instruction, our approach for development places a particular emphasis on skating, balance and agility. As well, we balance teaching the modern approach to movement and technique with deliberate attention to effective stick use and stick positioning.

Without attempting to modify the style or interfere with the athleticism unique to each goalie, we work to strengthen fundamental skills necessary for goalies at different levels of play. Our philosophy is not to make each one of our goalies look the same; it is to use our experience from playing and teaching the position to identify gaps or areas for improvement, and to create drills and provide instruction that allow our goalies to develop the skills suited for their game.

Senior and junior instructors lead a variety of drills that challenge our goalies to apply proper positioning and to anticipate the play developing in front of -- or behind -- them; to execute the appropriate lateral movement that gets goalies to the right spot and at the right time; to use the necessary technique that increases their chances to make the save and manage where the puck goes next; and to understand how to recover immediately after making the save.

Goalies are assigned to groups based on age and skill, with our instructional staff and shooters adapting elements of each drill to meet the abilities of our goalies. 



Introduction to Body Checking Clinic - Spring - Ages 6+

This clinic will introduce all current Major Peewee aged players (2005 Born) as well as Minor Bantam players (2004 Born) who may be entering their first season of body contact. Our hockey development staff will be teaching the program straight out of Hockey Canada's Teaching Checking: A Progressive Approach.



Pre-Tryout Player Clinic - Spring - Ages 6+

This clinic is open to all players that are between the Novice - Bantam age levels. This will be a great clinic to attend if you are looking to prepare for the upcoming REP Tryout season. Coverage will include skating, stick handling, passing, 1 on 1, 2 on 1, battle drills, etc.

All players will be grouped based on their appropriate ages. We will have two separate groups running for each clinic.

We expect these clinics to be filled very quickly. Please don't hesitate signing up if you are interested. We will note be able to accommodate anymore players after the remaining spots are filled.