Coach Mentors
Coaches within the Markham Waxers organization have access to a Coach Mentor who provides the skills, knowledge, and support required to help them improve their coaching performance. The goal of the Coach Mentorship Program is to strengthen our coaching body and foster an improved level of camaraderie between all the coaches within the organization.
Fully Certified House League Bench Staff
Markham Waxers House League is the only minor hockey association in Markham with fully certified bench staff, including a dedicated trainer, on every house league team. Our commitment to developing our bench staff fully is what sets us apart from other house league programs.
Pre-Season Clinic for House League Bench Staff
Before the season begins, the Hockey Development team hosts a half-day clinic for all house league coaches and trainers. The program consists of both an off-ice classroom session and an on-ice component. In the morning, coaches get house league specific coaching strategies and tips from professional coaches such as Mike Pelino, Head Coach of the OHL’s Peterborough Petes, as well as a take-home practice planner. The on-ice portion focus on reviewing teaching proper skating techniques as well as ideas for practice drills. The sessions are interactive so coaches leave the clinic with their questions answered, ready to start the season.